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About Safety Days

OKIE811 and key industry stakeholders would like to invite you to participate in the OKIE811 Safety Days. OKIE811 is coordinating a public safety awareness event that offers excavators, contractors and facility owners/operators an opportunity to see and hear a profound experience emphasizing proper use of the 811-notification system, safe excavation practices, and response actions to take in the event of damages.

OKIE811 has coordinated these Safety Days to include:

  • 811 Certification – M.G. Govia, OKIE811
  • Safety Training – Jason Bullard, Anderson Safety
  • Lunch and giveaways
  • Meeting and networking with utility, pipeline, oil & gas, first responders, municipalities, county and construction personnel across the region. 

Safety Days 2025

Safety Day
April 23 - Elk City

Western Tech Center

811 Certification

OCC Damage Prevention


Excavation & Trenching Safety

Emergency Response Training

Confined Spaces

Door Prizes

Safety Day
April 30 - Enid

Fechner Event Center

811 Certification

OCC Damage Prevention


Excavation & Trenching Safety

Emergency Response Training

Confined Spaces

Door Prizes

Safety Day
May 21- Ardmore

Southern Tech Center

811 Certification

OCC Damage Prevention


Excavation & Trenching Safety

Emergency Response Training

Confined Spaces

Door Prizes

Safety Day
July 17- Cushing

Fechner Event Center

811 Certification

OCC Damage Prevention


Plains Pipeline Safety

Excavation & Trenching Safety

Confined Spaces

Door Prizes

Safety Day
June 4 - Altus

Southwest Tech Center

811 Certification

OCC Damage Prevention


Plains Pipeline Safety

Excavation & Trenching Safety

Confined Spaces

Door Prizes

Safety Day
June 18 - Ada

Pontotoc Tech Center

811 Certification

OCC Damage Prevention


Plains Pipeline Safety

Excavation & Trenching Safety

Confined Spaces

Door Prizes

Safety Day
August 13 - Tulsa

Tulsa Tech Center Lemly Memorial Campus

811 Certification

OCC Damage Prevention


Plains Pipeline Safety

Excavation & Trenching Safety

Confined Spaces

Door Prizes